
We Are Pink Society

I believe being an only child sets you up for the worst OR things some how end up working in your favor. For me, thankfully I’m one of those who it worked out for! While I have an older sister (love you Mel lol) I was raised alone and went through life that way.... well kind of. Being an only child didn’t bother me though, I’m not a loner, I’m very well-rounded and lacked nothing as a child. Unlike most “only child victims,” I never wanted a sibling in the house with me! I wanted all the attention and coins to come straight to me LOL. In the past year or so I’ve been reflecting on my childhood and how blessed I was to have the life I had thanks to my mom. I realized that the reason I never longed for an in-house sibling was because I had enough they just resided in a different household. Our parents watched over us equally and we did everything together from boys to extracurricular activities. We had a bond that was unbreakable, in other words we had a sisterhood. I believe that...